Hello & Welcome to 2024 & the new Bravado Blog
As we start our 20th Year in business we thought it would be an ideal opportunity to share our passion, tell you about our little store, let you into some trade secrets and possibly bust some myths around the lingerie industry. Our customers know we can chat!
As we come down from the buzz of Christmas, we welcome the change of pace that January brings. We reflect on the successes and dramas of 2023. We set out our hopes for the upcoming year and adjust our expectations accordingly.

The Bravado Girls are a small, tight team. I'm forever grateful for their company, support and humor. We are human, fallible and inextricably different. We celebrate the good times and champion each other through the tough.
If you'd like to join us on this journey, subscribe to our newsletter and we'll include you in our 20th Year of celebrating, reminiscing and supporting.
Love, The Bravado Girls xx